Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More boxes of saltine crackers made their way into the 4th grade today!  Thank you all so much.  We have been working hard on elapsed time; ask your child to share their knowledge. 

Reminder:  All students need to have an extra pair of shoes at school to wear for PE.  Due to the cold weather, PE will be held in the high school.  The de-icer, dirt, and rocks on the kids' shoes is very bad on the beautiful new gym floor.  Having PE shoes at school for your child will help keep the floor looking great.  Thank you so much for your help on this.

Today's Window into Wow:
Today we wrote a letter to a veteran.  After lunch, we drew awesome pictures of light bulbs.  They turned out awesome.  For P.E. we are playing four square volleyball!  It's going to be awesome!

