Parents, if you are willing and able, it would be hugely helpful if you could purchase some multiplication flashcards for your kids to work with at home. I would like the students to begin practicing on a nightly basis to hone their skills. I will send more information about this in the coming days and weeks.
A few days ago, our nutrition specialist came in and introduced the kids to some delicious eats. Many students were interested in the recipe for crispy kale. I have placed the recipe on the blog; you can access it by clicking on the "Crispy Kale Recipe" link below the spelling and homework information on the right side of the page.
Also, remember that we are collecting boxes of saltine crackers for the food drive.
Today's Intelligence Pearl:
Hello parents and students! I hope everyone will have great conferences and I hope you're enjoying the half days. We had a great day for the most part but are still working on the talking. I hope we will have a fabulous day tomorrow. Have a nice evening!