Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Yesterday, Landon and I were chatting outside during recess.  We were talking about soccer and I mentioned how I was never very good at it because I am not good with my feet.  He considered this for a moment and then replied, "Well, you're good at walking!"  Made us both laugh.  That I am, Landon, that I am.  :-)

Conference week is March 25-29.  Please schedule your conference online at your earliest convenience.  The last day to do so is Wednesday, March 20th.  After that, I will schedule a time for you. 

End of Quarter
Somehow, the end of the 3rd quarter is here.  This is hard to believe!  The last day to turn in work is Wednesday, March 20th.    

Social Studies Magazine
On Monday, I sent home a letter asking for $1.50 donation to help us purchase a Social Studies magazine that will help us cover many interesting topics about Washington this spring.  If you are able to donate, we would greatly appreciate it!

Late Start Day Moved to Wednesday 3/20
This was originally scheduled for 3/13.

Informational Book Talk
Next week I will be introducing this assignment to the kids.  They are to read an informational book about a topic that interests them.  Then, they will be creating a PowerPoint presentation in class about their book.  This should be fun.  I will distribute information and a grading rubric next week. 

Please let me know if you need anything.  Many thanks!