Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

It seems hard to believe, but the end of the first semester is upon us.  Next week is the final week, so it is important that all work is turned in.  Grades will be finalized on Friday, January 18th.

Friday Conversation Sheets and Changes to Friday Folders
We did not fill Friday Conversation Sheets today.  At the start of the second semester, your child will be receiving a new Friday Folder, and there will be a signature page stapled to the inside cover of it.  I will be asking parents to sign in order to verify that the Friday Folder was seen before it is sent back to school.  This will allow me to hold the students accountable and to reward those students who consistently show their folders to parents.

School Supplies
With the first semester ending, many students are running low on school supplies; especially paper.  If you wouldn’t mind supplying your child with some more wide-ruled paper, I would be most grateful. 

No School – Friday, January 18th and Monday, January 21st
Friday is a teacher work day and Monday we are honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

PE Shoes
Please make sure your child has PE shoes here on Tuesdays and Fridays.  The kids are welcome to leave their PE shoes in our classroom closets if needed.  Mrs. Z only has so many for the kids to borrow, and they aren’t always the right size.  Thanks for your help!