Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What's the secret to a good pictograph you ask?  Simplicity.  A pictograph should be so easy on the eyes and quick to understand that even the dumbest animal in the world could read it and go, "Oh yeah.  I get that."  (I gave the kids the example of the deer I saw standing next to his unfortunate friend on this side of the road this morning.  Your friend got hit by a car there, dude, perhaps crossing the road yourself isn't the best idea...) 

Besides pictographs, we did some reading rotations and enjoyed the second day of Wheat Week, where the kids examined the differences between sand, silt, and clay.  They are doing a great job and are learning a lot!

On an unrelated note, words evolve and change and are created from other words.  Today, congratulated morphed into a brand new word with a brand new meaning.  Since I forgot to have one of my students reflect on their day, I leave you with the dictionary entry for this brand new word, which was (accidentally) invented by one of my students:

Gratulated -  (adjective)  Good.  I felt gratulated after doing such a wonderful job on my assignment.