Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Science Fair
We have been talking about the Science Fair in class.  At this point, your child should be ready to start doing their experiment at home and then creating their display board.  Use the materials I sent home a couple weeks ago as your guide for the display.  There is a grading rubric that tells exactly what I am looking for on the displays.  Projects are due March 6th, the Science Fair is March 7th.  Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. 

Progress Reports
Believe it or not, we are half way through the 3rd quarter.  Progress reports will be emailed to you either today or Monday, so please look for them and let me know if you have any questions about them.

What’s Going on in Class?
·         Reading – This week we learned all about whales and read some great informational texts about them.  We worked on sequencing and transition words.
·         Writing – We continue to review paragraph structure as well as possessive pronouns and the use of apostrophes.
·         Math – This week we worked on finding the factors of numbers.  Your child learned 3 different strategies to accomplish this.  Ask him or her to show them to youJ  Next week we will be talking about multiples and then working on division with single-digit divisors.
·         Social Studies – We have completed the chapter about Washington’s Native Americans.  We took notes on the chapter to find the key information.  The kids used their notes to make up some test questions.  I will take the best questions and create a test for them to take over the material. 
·         Science – Obviously, we are working on the Science Fair.

Silverwood Reading Program
Remember to be documenting your child’s reading minutes on the Silverwood Tally Sheets.  600 minutes earns them a free Silverwood ticket.  The sheets are due back to school by March 13, 2013.  Let me know if you have any questions.

March 1 – We will have school!
This is a snow make-up day, and since we had a snow day, we will be in class on the 1st.

Please let me know if you need anything.  Many thanks!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

February 15, 2013

Valentine’s Party
Thank you to those who brought treats and/or showed up to our party yesterday!  It was great and the kids did an amazing job.

Science Fair
Starting next week, your child needs to have a topic picked out for the Science Fair (one that tests a variable).  We will begin to work through the experiment form in class and they can begin testing at home.

Whiteboard Markers
If having money in your bank account annoys you, consider spending it on some whiteboard markers for your child and his or her classmates.  We use whiteboards everyday and our stash of markers is running low.  Thanks for your consideration!

Please continue to utilize the IXL website.  Your child has been given a username and password and can enjoy unlimited access to the site.  It provides wonderful practice to improve skills and help prepare for the upcoming MSP in May.  Your child can practice on this site both from home and at school, and it is well worth their time. 

Silverwood Reading Program
Remember to be documenting your child’s reading minutes on the Silverwood Tally Sheets.  600 minutes earns them a free Silverwood ticket.  The sheets are due back to school by March 13, 2013.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great three-day weekend!  Please let me know if you need anything.  Many thanks!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2014

Science Fair
There is an information letter about this Science Fair coming home in this Friday folder.  We talked about the Science Fair in class today, so your child should have a decent understanding of what’s expected.  My goal is to make sure it is a worthwhile project, while also keeping it stress-free and low-key.  We will be doing some of the work in class, but the actual testing for your child’s project will be done at home.  Please read over the information and let me know if you have any questions.

Whiteboard Markers
Each child has a mini-whiteboard at their seat in which we use for math practice and a variety of other things.  Many students have lost their whiteboard marker or it has run out of ink.  It would be amazing if you could buy your child a couple of whiteboard markers (if you are able).  I would very much appreciate it! 

Please continue to utilize the IXL website.  Your child has been given a username and password and can enjoy unlimited access to the site.  It provides wonderful practice to improve skills and help prepare for the upcoming MSP in May.  Your child can practice on this site both from home and at school, and it is well worth their time. 

Silverwood Reading Program
Remember to be documenting your child’s reading minutes on the Silverwood Tally Sheets.  600 minutes earns them a free Silverwood ticket.  The sheets are due back to school by March 13, 2013.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Valentine’s Party
This will be taking place on the afternoon of February 14th at approximately 12:30.  If your child chooses to make valentines, please have them do so for each student. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013


Many of you already know this, but our class is enjoying a month-long free trial for the incredible math website:  Your child has been given a username and password and can enjoy unlimited access to the site.  It provides wonderful practice to improve skills and help prepare for the upcoming MSP in May.  Your child can practice on this site both from home and at school, and it is well worth their time. 

Silverwood Reading Program
Remember to be documenting your child’s reading minutes on the Silverwood Tally Sheets.  600 minutes earns them a free Silverwood ticket.  The sheets are due back to school by March 13, 2013.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Valentine’s Party
This will be taking place on the afternoon of February 14th at approximately 12:30.  If your child chooses to make valentines, please have them do so for each student.   

School Supplies
Thanks to those have brought in school supplies for our classroom!  Our greatest needs are currently wide-ruled paper and anti-bacterial wipes.  Thanks! 

Please let me know if you need anything.  Many thanks!